Shan's Prayer Journal

For me, prayer is an intimate experience. I look forward to spending time with God and pouring out my heart to Him. While in prayer I can be myself; I am free to be me and completely vulnerable. In one of our daily morning prayer sessions together, Tam spoke to me about joining a 40 day prayer challenge with a few ladies. She told me that the times for the prayer would be 3pm and 10pm daily for 40 days. At first, I was thinking to myself that there was no way I would be joining at 10pm, frankly, I love my bed too much. Also, the 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon seemed somewhat unrealistic. I basically shut the idea down before I had even given it a chance. Jeremiah 29:13 says “You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart”. During prayer intimacy is built with finding Him, yet still I was putting my own personal boundaries on when this should be done. I was up watching something on Netflix on one of these nights and I became convicted in my spirit...