Straight Outta Yaard - Pt 1

Leaving everything and everyone you know, love and you are familiar with after 25 years of your life is not an easy decision. Yet I, like many others, made that conscious and deliberate decision to leave my country of birth, Jamaica, and move to an unfamiliar country. Prior to this, I had only visited Canada once as a teenager. Some people are often puzzled as to why a person would choose to leave behind their family and friends, their home, job, and their independence and level of comfort for an unknown situation that could produce very negative results. However in the words of Jim Rohn, "If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." I had completed post-secondary studies, lived on my own and was working in management positions and excelling in my career, before moving to Canada. “Why did you come?” is the first question I was asked when people heard my story. The truth is, I came for many of the same reasons oth...