
Showing posts from August, 2021

An Unprecedented Year

  Pivot and reimagine are two words that are regularly used over the last 18 months. When I think about these words, they have signified for me positive changes in my work and personal life, but for others fear and anxiety are the feelings they invoke.  Fortunately, I have had the immediate and present support of my loved ones, who have encouraged me while I explored and embarked on new and different things for myself. Case in point, creating and writing this Blog.  I paused this week to think about those individuals whose experience of the words pivot and reimagine have not been positive. Not because they wouldn’t want it to be, but because they have not been able to mentally or emotionally support this process on their own.  Recently, I was asked to talk about something positive that I was currently experiencing. I told the group that a few weeks ago I faced my fear of heights by going tree top trekking and zip lining and I inspired them to do the same and face a f...

Being A Helpmate - Shan’s Take

  “But for Adam no suitable helper could be found. So, the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man and brought her to the man.” Genesis 2: 18-22 Being a helpmate requires me as a wife to submit completely to God so that in turn I can love my husband selflessly and be a helpmate to him. God knew that man would be lonely and needed support, thus He created woman. The role of a man and a woman is different and as such both bring something unique to the relationship. My role as a helpmate entails several things which I will speak to separately. I have a calling to pray for my husband and my children. Being a helpmate means me praying for his heart, his attitude, his physical and emotional health, and that he will be a Godly leader and father in our home. My husband and I started our relationship on prayer and con...