A Mother's Tale - Pt 2
"Push mom!" "I can’t, I’m tired!" "You must push as the baby’s heart rate is dropping." In a nutshell this is parenting. Parents push through life, feeling exhausted at times, but we continue to push nonetheless to maintain the hearts of our children. I pushed, I cried, I screamed, I prayed; after fourteen hours King was born. My body was numb, and my thoughts were racing. I felt an overwhelming rush of emotions as I wondered how I would ever be able to do this on my own. I yearned for the validation of one person at that moment, but instead was told, “You didn’t push King out properly”. This statement crushed me, and I suddenly realized that I was going to be parenting on my own. Women having children outside of wedlock sometimes feel a sense of shame and embarrassment. For me this was the case; I felt low because I had wanted more for myself and my son when he was born. In that moment however, I was determined not to be placed in the category ...