Beautifully Imperfect - Pt 2
This post is dedicated to my beautiful cousin Crystal Faith McLeod. "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward", Psalm 127 vs 3. You were truly a light and a blessing. We love you and miss you. I will never forget the day I sat in the room with the psychologist. I remembered her asking me if I needed a break as I could not stop crying. You would think she had just told me that I had a terminal illness with only a few days to live, but this was not the case. She was explaining to me how challenging learning would be for my son because of his ADHD and Dyslexia diagnosis. As she spoke, several thoughts ran through my head; “Lord it must be my sins, why my child is suffering like this”, “God why him?”; “What will school and life look like for him?” I was distraught and felt completely shattered. The silence in the car made the drive home seem endless. When I arrived home, still in tears, I called my mother to talk with her. Her...