Beauty for Ashes

What are your Ashes made of? My ashes consist of failed relationships mixed with pain from the grief of passed loved ones. I have ashes from not knowing why I lost relationships with friends and family members. And even more ashes because of the multiple and complex feelings that resulted from significant life events. Included in these ashes is disappointment about things I wanted to do and expected to happen but which never materialized. I have always believed that inherently I am a good person. However, I have not always done good things. I have made many mistakes since I have been on this earth. So, as much as I have been hurt, I am sure I have caused hurt which means that my ashes also contain guilt, shame and remorse. I can also admit, that in the past, my sense of self-worth was closely tied to many circumstances that I have gone through, and so my ashes also contain periods of uncertainty about whether I was good enough, forgiving enough, generous enough and even, if I was worth...