His Hands and Feet


This post is dedicated to Glenda Miller – my mother, my role model, a humanitarian, and warrior for her family and the children of this world.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

- 1 Peter 4:10


There are many life lessons that can be learned from a mother. One of the most important lessons that I have been taught by my own mom is that of service. Serving your community and fellow human beings, in whatever capacity you can, provides you one of the greatest opportunities to serve God.  

About 25 years ago I saw my mother join an internationally founded service organization, The Kiwanis Club. Being in my early adult years and possessing very self-absorbed tendencies, I couldn’t understand her desire to give up so much of her time and energy doing one project after another. Weekdays, weeknights, weekends, and even holidays, she would attend meetings or participate in multiple projects. All with one goal: to give back to others.

As she had with many other things, she excelled in this organization. As a member and a leader in various capacities, she worked tirelessly to support many initiatives of other leaders while also championing her own ideas and goals towards making an impact in the lives of children.

I observed and learned more about my mother over the years and as I became more mature in age, thoughts, and my own Christian walk, I realized that my mother’s acts of service was her primary way of worship. I have to point out that I have not discussed this piece with her. These are strictly my own opinions, and as she reads this (as I know she will), I hope she will ultimately agree with me on the points contained herein.

I see joy in her eyes, sometimes overflowing with joyful tears, when she gives herself in a way that positively impacts someone else. I hear the passion in her voice when she talks about the projects and the needs that have been filled for the intended recipients. I see how grateful she is to God to have been placed in a position to help others through her own blessings and talents.  

Her reach has been wide and varied, many of her efforts still unknown to others, except for those she has helped. Not only by way of her work with this organization but also through her everyday interactions and relationships.

She has made me immensely proud, to see her many ideas materialized and goals accomplished. With every recognition she has been awarded, she has also taught me lessons of humility and grace. Most importantly, she has inspired me. That inspiration led me to my make my own intentional decisions about service which looks different from my mother’s own work.

I see in every act of her service an acknowledgement and expression of gratitude to God for the gifts He has given her. What greater way is there to show thankfulness than to use the thing that you have been given. This looks different for everyone. You could be the ‘head cook and bottle washer’ in Jamaican colloquial terms, or the server; the most important fact is that you are using the skills God gave you.

Seeing my mother’s work, and in a few instances being a part of her projects, I have been able to broaden my view of life beyond my own existence. Remember earlier I told you how self-absorbed I was when she started? Well, it wasn’t until I actually saw the impact of her many projects that I began to realize how necessary it was for someone to do the work. So why not her? I certainly would not have recognized my position of privilege when it came to things I had in my own life, had it not been for the opportunity to see the needs that exist for others.

My mother taught me that serving is transformative. Many sacrifices are made when serving others, and ultimately as you begin to focus on the larger collective picture of humanity, instead of the individualistic one of our own lives, these sacrifices become more meaningful. You also experience a greater degree of joy and satisfaction when you have done something for someone else.

She has also taught me that in serving, we honour the greatest sacrifice made for own lives. Hebrews 6:10 states, God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them”.  As I write, I can hear her voice responding to the question, why do you do it? “I must do it; it is what I was placed here to do. How can I answer to God about what I did with the life He gave me if I don’t do what I am supposed to?”

We are God’s hands and feet and the world sees Him through our service. It is sometimes difficult and we do become weary. My encouragement is that you strengthen your heart, mind, and spirit with His word and be reminded that “……it is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35.

Glenda Miller  

Awards  & Recognition for Service

Distinguished Lieutenant Governor of Excellence (The highest award a Lieutenant Governor can attain)
Distinguished President

3-time Kiwanian of the Year

Godfrey Dyer Medallion Award 2019-2020 (Awarded for extraordinary Service and dedication in Serving the Children of the World)

Frank Melhado Award 2016 for Outstanding Service to the Club, Division and Community

Distinguished Secretary (Awarded out of 125 Secretaries in Eastern Canada and The Caribbean District)

Most Outstanding Secretary



  1. Mommy Miller is an extraordinary woman ! May God contiue to strengthen her as she does his work here on earth.

  2. Wow, great work, Mrs Miller, may God continue to bless your efforts!

  3. Truly an extraordinary woman and an inspiration to so many of us. Much to be proud of Tam.

  4. Tamara you have an amazing mentor! May God continue to bless you both as you minister in service.

  5. She has made it challenging to walk alongside, more so to fit her shoes. Service to others is the greatest gift. Well penned Tam.

  6. I am.blessed to have children like you Tam I continue to pay my earthly rent in serving others because that's the only way I know how to repay God for
    his love and goodness to me. I am humbled by this tribute each time I review it

  7. I am.blessed to have children like you Tam I continue to pay my earthly rent in serving others because that's the only way I know how to repay God for
    his love and goodness to me. I am humbled by this tribute each time I review it

  8. Extraordinary is an understatement


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