His Hands and Feet - Pt 2
This week someone asked me the question: What does service ministry mean to me?
After careful thought and reflection, I believe service ministry is essentially being the hands and feet of Jesus. I have been given the privilege of not only demonstrating this within my church community but also with those with whom I interact daily within my role as a child protection worker. The profession of social work requires people with a level of passion, dedication, commitment, and the heart of being a servant.
Several weeks ago, after a twelve-hour workday, I sat in my car and cried. I was overwhelmed and exhausted but at the same time felt relieved as I had supported a mother and her children who were in an abusive situation. Similarly, I have had to be an advocate for estranged fathers and for those clients who have been marginalized and ostracized from society. Working within the shelter environment as well and serving breakfast to clients is a humbling and fulfilling experience. It may not seem like much to some but for me to be able to serve in this way is gratifying.The Bible says we are the light and salt of the world thus whatever I do, I do it with integrity, love, passion, and purpose. 1 Thessalonians 1 vs 3 says "Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father. Being His hands and feet is truly about labour of love and the seeds we are sowing in those whom we encounter."
When I think of ministry within my church community, I have to say service brings me a sense of joy, and peace. I look forward to ministering and teaching the children and I am glad when the message within the women’s ministry sessions impacts the hearts and souls of women.
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