Shan's Mending Fences


“Now His betrayer had given them a sign, saying whomever I kiss, He is the One; seize Him.” Immediately he went up to Jesus and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him. But Jesus said to him, “Friend why have you come?” Matthew 26 vs 48-50. 

I had to sit with this scripture for a few days to truly process it. The level of humility that Jesus exercised in this entire chapter is astounding. Personally, I could not have gotten through dinner without emotions all over my face, knowing that one of my friends would eventually betray me. Forgiveness is not always easy but the more I rest in Jesus I see it truly takes a level of humility and selflessness. 

People will hurt us, and sadly oftentimes the worst pain comes from the ones closest to us.  I have experienced a lot of hurt and betrayal in my life but I have come to the realization that for me to be free, there are certain things and certain people that I have to release from my system. 

I’ve battled with the concept of forgiveness and reconciliation for years. Does forgiveness mean I have to try and maintain a relationship with someone who has hurt me, or does it mean forgiving and “staying in my lane?". The fact is some relationships are worth fighting for while others in my opinion are not worth the same time and energy. I am at a stage in my life where I truly value meaningful relationships, therefore if they are not uplifting to my soul or feeding into my spirit in a positive way, I exercise a sense of boundary in how I manage these relationships. 

Last year has truly been a year of soul searching and reflection, as there was so much pain, loss, sorrow and emotional turmoil. It also had me thinking deeply about my life and various relationships. For this reason, I have been intentional about mending various relationships around me. 

While I forgive and reconcile some, others I’ve forgiven and continue to pray for. Jesus speaks to us on forgiving our brothers seventy times seven. I’ve always said no one is worth me loosing my salvation. So as much as the pain hurts from a betrayal, it will hurt even more knowing on that resurrection morning that I am turned away from God because I was unable to forgive my brother or sister. It is not easy but mending and forgiving is necessary. 




  1. Dear Shan, thank you! It was as though you were reading my mind. You have completely and eloquently summed up the emotion connected to hurt and betrayal. Forgiveness is most challenging and we must seek it through the exercise of humility and selflessness.



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